Monday, November 16, 2009

Will Zardari leave his fort???

Asif Ali zardari as popularly known as Mr. ten percent before becoming President of Pakistan, has proved that he still is venturing into lucrative business deals like acquiring prized 2500 acres of land in Islamabad. This is a latest exposed example of conflict of interest involving his person as President of the country.

Moreover, a French newspaper has reported that Asif Ali Zardari has received kickbacks from a French company in lieu of French submarines acquired for Pakistan Navy. This he received through a middle man from Lebanon and sums were enormously huge.

Zardari and his very close colleagues are accused of lobbying for inserting derogatory articles in recently passed US legislation (Kerry Lugar Bill) and these conditions are all aimed against Pakistan Army and controlling army through US influence. Thanks God that effort back fired on Zardari and company and masses in Pakistan protested in every city of the country.

How can we forget infamous National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO). Zardari has numerous criminal charges against him in courts which were all withdrawn as a deal with then dictator General Musharaf. (Mind you, Zaradari's Pakistan Peoples Party calims to be a democratic one...). Fate of Zardari seems to be decided in Supreme Court of Pakistan very soon.

Academically Zardari is a Matriculate. The condition of becoming a member of Parliament was atleast graduation but rules were changed just to accomodate a guy like Zardari on the behest of US pressures and interference. But question arises why USA favours people like Zardari who have a blemished character. Answer is very simple... USA wants dummies and who would not love to have a dummy like Zardari at highest post in Pakistan.

President Nixon in USA had to leave office in USA as he was covering up a scandal named as "water-gate". He had no criminal charges against his person. Why can't Zardari follow his ideal nation USA and its leaders.

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